Sierra Trading Post Shoes
35-70% on name brand
shoes, boots, and sandals. I've purchased quite a few pairs of shoes from
Sierra. Their prices are unbeatable because the items they are selling
are mostly closeouts and overstocks from name brand shoe makers. Note:
Many times items are
in limited supplies and sizes, so buy while they still have your size in stock. International shipping
REI Footwear
Great place to look for backpacks, boots, and other backpacking necessities. Be
sure to check out the
REI outlet
pages too. International shipping available.
Other Great Places to
Find Shoes On-Line
Altrec Outdoors
Wide variety of shoes,
clothing, backpacks,
and other outdoor gear at competitive prices.
Check out their Outlet Shoes
for super savings on closeout shoes.
Free shipping on US orders over $45 & Free Returns.
International shipping available.
UK based We sell products from the best brands in sport, ski and
the outdoors, and we try to make sure our prices are as competitive as
we can. We don’t make you buy a membership card to access them and we
have free shipping over £69.99*.
has an awesome selection of travel clothes, necessities, and cool
gadgets. See their Sale/Outlet
section for clearance
items. International shipping available.
Outdoor gear, backpacks, clothing, and footwear. Free US shipping on
orders over $49. Free Canadian shipping on orders over $199.
International shipping available.
UK based stocks a wide range of rucksacks, hiking boots, and general outdoor
clothing and equipment at very competitive prices. So if you are looking for a
tent, a sleeping bag or a pair of ski goggles look no further.
International shipping available.
UK based
Choose from thousands of quality, comfort shoes in a
vast selection of sizes and width fittings
ranging from D to EEEE.
Simply Hike
A UK based discount online store offering backpacks, clothing,
shoes, and other equipment useful for traveling, hiking, and camping.
International shipping available.